Puppetry 偶戲
Opera 戲曲
Storytelling 說書
Music 音樂
Folk Beliefs 民間信仰
Folk Dances 民俗舞蹈
Folk Arts 民間技藝
Minorities 少數民族藝術
Folk Festivals 廟會節慶

  Music 音樂

  • Philmultic Management & Productions Inc.: Chinese musical instruments (Sting instruments) – Categorizes Chinese string instruments into three main groups: the plucked string, the bowed string, and hammered string instruments along with more detailed descriptions of each.
  • Melody China: Chinese traditional instruments – Descriptions of all types of instruments (such as er-hu, suona, yueqin, and etc.) as well as audio clips of the sounds/music produced by each.
  • Wikipedia: List of traditional Chinese musical instruments: (English) (Traditional Chinese)
  • Youtube: Chinese music - traditional pipa solo 霸王卸甲 by Liu Fang 劉芳琵琶
  • Youtube: Chinese music: Flute, Banjo, Citer and Erhu
  • Youtube: Chinese Traditional Music-GuZheng 古箏:高山流水
  • Artcn.cn – Descriptions of various Chinese instruments plus links to specific articles on different Chinese instruments (on the side). (Simplified Chinese)